Films with great concepts and talented filmmakers that deserve your attention
Out of each Roy W. Dean Grant, we select films that we call “Hot Films in the Making.” While just missing making our list of finalists, these films have wonderful stories told by brilliant filmmakers.
From the Heart Productions, the 501(c)3 sponsor of the grant, has selected twenty-five “Hot Films” for the Roy W. Dean Short Film Grant. We hope you take notice of the films as well as the filmmakers and give your favorites your support.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing these films soon.” said Carole Joyce, Director of the Roy W. Dean Grants for From the Heart Productions. “The talent and imagination shown by these filmmakers is impressive.”
The films chosen for Hot Films in the Making for the Roy W. Dean Short Film Grant include narrative fiction short films of forty minutes or less. Films must be unique and make a contribution to society.
The Hot Films in the Making for the Roy W. Dean Short Film Grant for 2023 are:
Title | Filmmaker |
“The Wild Ones” | Ben Meredith |
“Micro-Short” | Beth Fletcher |
“Slip” | Lara Hill |
“Alpha, Bravo, Charlie” | Mirabel Miscala |
“Out of Body” | Aimee Hawkins |
“Where the Fuck are Your Teeth?” | Tony Rivas |
“Maya & Lydia” | Roya Alidjani |
“The D3v1ce” | Kimberly Tanksley |
“Here and Then” | Daniel W. Smith |
“Francine’s Moon Landing” | Katherine Clark |
“Deuce Purgatory” | Shelby Slauer |
“Grief: A Comedy” | Madeline Johnson |
“Mmanwu” | Uzo Ngwu |
“Helper” | Justin Hankinson |
“I Just Can’t” | Lisa Rideout |
“Flight 182” | Rippin Sindher |
“In Service” | Jonathan Otto-Bernstein |
“We Are Seeds” | Caitlyn Durkin |
“Runaway to Paradise” | Ke Liu |
“The Interview” | Ksenia Naughton |
“Daughters of Evil” | Natasha Pascetta |
“Outside the Lines” | Darren Lee Campbell |
“Agape” | Takai Ginwright |
“#Likes4Lucas” | Dylan Kai Dempsey |
“The Bad Guy” | Morgan Hammen |
Each finalist is given the opportunity to post information on their contending film on the From the Heart Productions website. Filmmakers can include an image from the film, filmmaker info, and loglines. If they have available, filmmakers can include a link to their film’s website, Facebook page, or relevant social media connection.
About the Roy W. Dean Grant
Now celebrating its 31st year, the Roy W. Dean Grant has awarded over $2,000,000 in cash and donated film services to independent films. The grant is awarded to films budgeted under $500,000 that are unique and make a contribution to society. It has been an important lifeline for independent filmmakers that help to get their projects started or finished. Without assistance from the grant, many excellent and important films may never have been made.
Past winners of the grant include 2021 Emmy winners Belly of the Beast and The Love Bugs , as well as Sundance Film Festival selection Raise Hell: The Life and Times of Molly Ivins, and acclaimed documentary Kusama-Infinity.
About From The Heart Productions
From The Heart Productions is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to helping filmmakers get their projects funded and made. Besides providing funding through the grant, they offer film fiscal sponsorship to filmmakers. This allows donations made to films they sponsor to be tax deductible. From The Heart has helped independent filmmakers raise over $30 million through their fiscal sponsorship program.
President Carole Dean is the best-selling author of The Art of Film Funding: 2nd Edition, Alternative Financing Concepts and the new online class “How to Fund Your Film”.