How to List Your Fiscally Sponsored Project
From the Heart Productions has created a new platform where visitors to our website can find all our fiscally sponsored projects through a single link.
Called From the Heart Indie Films, it will allow donors the opportunity to fund all our films fundraising on our WeDidit platform as well as other crowdfunding platforms and websites.

Add your project to this site to make it easier for donors to find you
From the Heart Indie Films
On our website under the Fiscal Sponsorship tab, there is a drop down menu. On the menu, it will say Fiscally Sponsored Films and Projects. When you click on that, visitors are taken to From the Heart Indie Films platform to view all our excellent projects by our talented filmmakers.
Film projects will be listed alphabetically. The platform though allows searches by different listing criteria including:
- Keywords – This includes wording in your logline or project description that you can add to listing.
- Project Title
- Genre – A drop down menu will give the visitor to the site the option of choosing documentary, narrative feature, short film, etc.
- Project Producer
- Project Director
All the better to help donors find you!
Your listing will feature an image of your choosing which best represents your project, your logline or description of your project, a link to your website or Facebook page, and a link for donations.
The platform has already launched. All it needs is for you to post your project.
How to Get Started Listing Your Fiscally Sponsored Project on From the Heart Indie Films
Instructions for posting film on
Go to
Go to . Under Fiscal Sponsorship tab, under drop down menu, there is a link for Fiscally Sponsored Projects. Clicking on that will bring you to
On the page, it will say List Your Project in upper right of page.
Click on List Your Project
You must first create an account to register for this website to begin process of listing your film.
On the List Your Project page, click on Create an Account.

Listing for “To Life” on From the Heart Indie Films
Under Create an Account, you will be asked to create a user name. After creating user name, enter your email address, first name, and last name. Then, create a password.
When finished press Register.
A confirmation of your registration will be emailed to the email address provided. Subject line in email will say Fiscally Sponsored Project Listing – Account Info for (Your Name).
In the email, if you are already fiscally sponsored by From the Heart Productions, click on login to your account.
That link will take you to the login page. Enter your User Name or Email address and Password to login to your account. This will bring you to the List Your Fiscally Sponsored Project Page.
On the List Your Fiscally Sponsored Project Page, you will be asked for information regarding your project. There is a search feature built into the home page of the platform that will allow visitors to search for projects using this information. This includes:
- Keyword
- Project Title
- Genre
- Producer
- Director
The Project Title, Producer, and Director info will also be included in your listing.
There is also a section to enter your email address for the listing, but that is not active at this time. It is best for you to have as few links for visitors to click on when visiting your listing.
Steps and Guidance for Effectively Posting Your Project
Next, in space provided, enter your Project’s Logline / Description. This too will appear on your listing.
The logline or description should be interesting and inviting. It should draw whoever views it to click link provided for fundraising.
Under that, please enter your Project’s Website URL or Facebook Page. This will also appear on your listing.
Next, you are asked to Please upload an image CROPPED TO 500px WIDE. Choose an image within the specifications provided. This image will also appear on the listing.
That picture should represent the film in the best way possible.
Finally, please Enter the URL of your project’s fundraising page (from Fund My Film or WeDidIt). This will appear on your listing as a link titled Learn More and Donate for visitors.
When ready, click Submit. Your project will now be actively listed on From the Heart Indie Films for all to see.
You will receive an email with the subject line Your info for (“Your Project”) has been received for your Fiscally Sponsored Project Listing. In the email, will be listed the information that you added to your listing for you to review.
You can then click to find and view your listing.
To Edit or Update Your Listing
Go to
If you are not logged in, please login to your account using Login link in upper right-hand portion of the home page on From the Heart Indie Films. (If logged in, click on My Account)
After you login, you will be taken to My Account page. On this page, you have options to:
- Add a Project Listing
- Edit My Listing
- Edit My Profile/Account Info
- Tech Support for Your Listing
Click on Edit My Listing. You will go to a page where you can search for your project through either Project Title, Project Producer, or Project Director.
When you find your project, there will be a link in bottom right hand corner of the listing. Click on Edit Listing.
This will take you to the Edit Entry page. This page allows you to edit the same info you entered when creating the account. You can change any of the info originally submitted including picture and logline.
Press Update and your revised listing is posted!
If You Need Tech Support for Your Listing
Please contact us at