Allyra FAQs

WeDidIt has become Allyra! 


I already set up a page in WeDidIt. How will the change to Allyra affect me?

This change will bring new branding and a better user experience, but will not change functionality or affect existing WeDidIt clients. All of your existing pages will remain at their original domains. However, you will also find the same pages at the new Allyra domains. 

If you already had a page at, you can now also find the page at We encourage you to use the new Allyra domain, however you are not required to, and can continue to use the WeDidIt domain if you prefer. 

For existing clients who want to switch to the new platform, you can now access your account with all of the same content and information in tact at


Where can I find instructions on how to set up my page? (All of these resources include the original WeDidIt branding. We will update soon!)

You can view a webinar which will walk you through the setup and the features of the platform at:

You can also watch a short video on how to set up your donation page at:

You can also download a setup guide here –

For any other questions, please reach out to Allyra’s tech support at


How do I set up an account on Allyra?

Please email Carole Joyce at to request an invitation to join Allyra.


Do I need to set up new accounting information to receive my donations?

No. Allyra is only for From the Heart’s fiscally sponsored filmmakers, so we already have your payment information through your fiscal sponsorship. Please let us know if anything has changed and we can update it. 


Can I have simultaneous campaigns on more than one platform at the same time? (i.e. Allyra and KickStarter)

Yes, you can have more than one campaigns simultaneously on different platforms, however we recommend running one campaign at a time. It is less confusing for your donors.


What is the difference between a Donation Page and an Appeal (Campaign)?

A donation page is for ongoing donations to your project or organization. It’s something you can leave up for as long as you like and direct your donors to for as long as you are raising funds. 

An Appeal (Campaign) page is specifically designed for time limited crowdfunding campaigns, such as a 30 day or 45 day campaign. It actually also is possible to take the time limit off of your Campaign and leave it active indefinitely.  It has a few additional features such as the ability to list incentives for different donation tiers, as well as additional buttons for preset donation amounts. There are a few other design and style differences as well. 

You can have one donation page and multiple campaigns for different purposes.


Can I or should I have both a Donation and Campaign Page?

Donation and Campaign pages are very similar, but Campaign pages have more functionality and options. 

We generally recommend setting up a Campaign page if possible. You can also set Campaign pages to run without a specific end date, and can hide your fundraising goals and amounts raised. 

You may elect to have a donation page available for your long term passive fundraising, and create a separate Campaign page for if you have specific goals, events, or milestones you need to raise money for. 


Can you give me some examples of Allyra pages?


How much are the processing fees / fiscal sponsorship fees? 

If you would like to use the Allyra Platform as a fiscally sponsored filmmaker, the total fee is 7%. 


Can donors cover the credit card fees?

Yes, on Allyra, donors are given the option to cover the credit card fees when they make their donation. We’ve found that over 50% choose to do so. 


Can I put this Allyra page on my own website?

There is no way to directly embed your Allyra page on your website. We recommend you create a preview of your Allyra page and your fundraising campaign on your website and then link it to your Allyra page. 


Can I change the header at the top or the color scheme?

You can change both of these under “Page Branding” on the sidebar from your dashboard. You can customize the colors of the headers, buttons, or background. You can also remove the From the Heart header and create your own by clicking “Create My Own Header.”

Allyra also offers custom design services starting at $250 to make something really unique, or to make your Allyra page mirror your website’s styling. There is a video that walks through everything on the Page Branding page. 


Why isn’t my video showing up?

The video player only works with YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia. Please make sure the video you are trying to embed is hosted on one of these platforms. 


I’m having technical issues with my Allyra Page. 

Please contact Allyra’s technical support at for any technical issues. You can also reach them at (877)858-7654. Their hours are 7am-6pm (CT) M-F 


Can you help to promote my crowdfunding campaign or help me raise money? 

We can share about your fundraising campaign and project in our social media, but we cannot raise money on your behalf. We offer many resources to support you in your fundraising efforts, but you are ultimately responsible for building your own audience and running your campaign. 

Please send us information about your campaign to if you’d like us to promote it. 


Can I also get a PayPal button to receive donations?

You do not want to have both PayPal button and an Allyra page. Just use one or the other.  Contact Carole Joyce for a button at


How do I contact Allyra’s tech support?

Allyra’s tech support number is (877)858-7654

Their hours are 7am-6pm (CT) M-F 


Where do I log into my Allyra account?

You can login here:


Where is my invitation? I didn’t receive it. 

You must have first requested an invitation in order to receive one. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it. If you still do not see it, please contact Carole Joyce at and request it again. If you already have a project set up on Allyra and would like a second donation page for another project, you will need to provide an alternative email address. It is only possible to have one email associated with one project at a time.


How do I edit my donation page once it’s live? 

Login to Allyra at

From your Dashboard:

To Edit a Donation Page, click “Donation Page” in the sidebar then “Settings” and follow the prompts.

To Edit an Appeal (Campaign), click “Campaigns” in the sidebar then “List.” Click the pen icon to edit it and follow the prompts. 


How do I find the URL for my donation page or campaign?

To find the URL for a Donation Page, click “Donation Page” in the sidebar then “Settings.” You will see the URL listed at the top next to “Preview.”  

To find the URL for a Campaign, click “Campaigns” in the sidebar then “List.” Click the eye icon to open your Campaign page. 


Do I need to wait for my campaign to be approved? 

Yes. When you are finished building your campaign page, submit it for approval. Someone from From the Heart will review it and approve it, or let you know if anything needs to be revised. If you need your campaign to go live urgently, please follow up with an email to after you submit your campaign for approval. 


How do I get my Free “How to Fund Your Film” Course?

If you are already fiscally sponsored by From the Heart Productions, please email to request your free course!

By the end, you will be INSPIRED, MOTIVATED, and CONFIDENT that you are on track to finally getting your film funded! Carole has created a fun, easy-to-follow, in-depth power-point recorded video class on film funding that gives you the tools and secrets you need to fund your film. Learn More