Legendary director Martin Scorsese once said, “Movies touch our hearts, and awaken our vision, and change the way we see things. They open doors and minds.”
At From the Heart Productions, we believe that films are a catalyst for fostering communication, advancing ideas and education, and creating a better world together. For over 30 years, our sole mission has been to support independent filmmakers who make films that are unique and make a contribution to society. Without our support, many of these films may have never been made.
We support filmmakers through Fiscal Sponsorship, the Roy W. Dean Grant, crowdfunding, education, mentorship, and tons of free resources.
Filmmakers and From the Heart need your help now more than ever! Please support the independent film industry to continue to thrive in these challenging time with a Tax-Deductible Donation through our 501(c)3 Non-Profit.
Whether you donate directly to From the Heart Productions or to one of our Fiscally Sponsored Films, all of your donations are tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes confirming your donation with our Tax ID # 95 444 5418.
Choose What You Would Like to Support!
Now celebrating its 30th year, the Roy W. Dean Film Grants fund independent films that are unique and make a contribution to society that, without its help, might otherwise never get made. Your donation will be added to the upcoming Grant’s cash award, helping one truly exceptional film project become a reality.
From the Heart supports independent filmmakers to get the funding they need to create world changing films. Donating directly to From the Heart allows us to continue to pay our dedicated staff, offer free resources and discounted services to independent filmmakers.
Documentarian Emergency Relief Fund
This fund provides up to $1,000 each month for a period of 10 months to documentary producers and directors facing “dire financial emergencies” during the Covid-19 pandemic. Your contribution allows us to keep this fund going!

Support a Specific Film or Studio
You can choose to directly support any film or studio that is a member of our Fiscal Sponsorship Program.
If you don’t see the name of the film or studio you would like to support, please email caroleleedean@gmail.com or call (805)984-0098
1663 Media Arts, LLC
22 and You Foundation
26 Seconds
3 cubed studios, LLC
A Cry For Help
Acid Test
AKT Pictures LLC
Alec Wilder – I’ll Be Around
Alex, Stop
Alexandre Cardinali
Angels Sky
At Lewis Films, LLC
Awesome Gal, the movie, LLC
Bird Set Free Films
Brave Little Films
Breaking Through The Lens
Bright Life Films
Brut Force — Feature Film
Caregiving Cancer
Chatterbox Productions, Inc.
Civil Disobedience Series
Colored Documentary
Crossing Borders
Crystal Productions Corp
Dagbasi Productions
Daruma Movie
Dim Bom Productions, LLC
DRIP Productions
Driving Mrs M
Duellmann Filmproduktion
Eagle Tree Films
EAT, SKI, LIVE Global TV Series
Echoes of The King LLC
Equinox Productions
Eve’s Wisdom Productions, LLC.
Evolution Media TV and Milkhaus
Family Films Productions
Fannie Lou Hamer’s America
Fear and Now LLC
Finding Kate LLC
FireRing Productions LLC
First Star Media L.L.C.
Flaws of an Everlasting Memory
Food People
Forever Dreamin
Gia’s World Studios
Golden Spiral Productions
Good Werkz
Goss Grove Films LLC
Guardian Of The Gulf, Dry Tortugas Documentary
Haiku Films
Harambee International Films
Hardest Step Productions, LLC
Hasan Demirtas
Hashtag Blessed The Movie
Heartstone Studios
Heavenly Films LLC
Hilda House Productions
Honor the Past Films
How to Successfully Fail in Hollywood
I Remember Nicole: Raising Awareness while Raising the Roof!
In a Dry Land
Inez Short Film
Intercultural Facilitation
Interested In Series
Is It True Film Productions
Ixion TV Limited
Joan of Arc Pictures
JoyLife Productions
Kent Tompkins Photography, Limited
Lakefront Pictures
Land of Misery Films
Las Abogadas Documentary Film
Latina Owned
Linda Kubes
Lineage film
LiveHope Fund
Lucy Marcus Creative
MahaDevi Productions
Manifesting Monica Jones
Marks Media Brand
Medical Marijuana: Understanding Cannabis
Meet Me at the Barre
Midnight Treehouse LLC
MLD Creative Enterprises LLC
Monochrome- Police Work Is..
Morning Star Pictures
No Place Film LLC
November 25th Productions
One World Filter Foundation
Our Man in Berlin
PAUL HENREID Beyond Victor Laszlo
Pictures of Infinity
Pieces of Us the Documentary
Planet GLiESE
Pleiades Pictures
Query Productions
R3 Productions, Inc.
Restoring Balance: Autism Recovery
Richter Productions
Rick Weber Productions
Ringo Films LLC
Room Service Short Film
Salt Pictures LLC
Schoolhouse Rocked
Searching For Onoda
Shoshana Films LLC
Silver Sound, Inc
SostarSun Productions
squashhouse media
Steady Rock Productions LLC
Story Tree Films
Stusek Studios
Summer Ray This Fair and Blighted Land
Sunshine Girl Productions
Sycamore City
Take Hands
The Adventures of Pookie LLC
The Big Okay TV Series
The Ciguapa
The Five Sands
The flight of the bat
The Job of Songs
The Maltese Collection
The Red Door Films
The Static Movie LLC
The Water Cell
To the Moon and Back
Tom Warson Productions
Tres Lunas Productions LLC
Truffle Sauce LLC
Trust Documentary LLC
Turning Tide Films
Twelve Pointer
Un Dia
Veteran Powered Films
Videos For Change Productions
Voices of Grief
Void – Short Film
Waking Up Dead LLC
War on the Diamond
Warning Signs
We Know Not What What We Do
Westshire Films
When Mountains Fall
When You Die
Why Facts Matter
Wild Air Films
Wild Darlings Sing the Blues
Wize Media
Wylder Production
Young Dempsey Productions
Now Accepting Cryptocurrency Donations!
*Exchange rates are set at most updated values at time of donation.

Ready to Give?
From the Heart has multiple ways for you to make tax-deductible donations.
However you choose to give, you will be provided with a receipt confirming your donation that can be used for your tax filings.
When you donate, just make sure to tell us what it’s for in the notes! You can choose Roy W. Dean Grant, From the Heart Productions, The Documentarian Emergency Relief Fund, or any FTH Fiscally Sponsored Film or Production Company.
Choose Your Donation Method
Other Ways to Share!

Leave a Positive Review!
Help other filmmakers feel confident about working with From the Heart Productions by leaving us a positive review on Bookly.

Donate Services to Grant
Support Independent Filmmakers by donating your professional services or goods to the Roy W. Dean Grant.
Check out our current list of donors
If you would like to become a donor or need more information, please contact Carole Dean at caroleleedean@gmail.com or (805)984-0098.

Volunteering helps support From the Heart’s mission to help independent filmmakers make films that are unique and make a contribution to society. We need support with social media, administration, graphic and web design, and many other areas.
If you feel called to support From the Heart, and would like to volunteer or need more information, please contact Carole Dean at caroleleedean@gmail.com or (805)984-0098.