From the Heart Productions, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Hot Films in the Making – Roy W. Dean Film Grant for Fall 2021

42 Films That Will Impress You with Their Creativity and Brilliant Filmmakers

What are Hot Films in the Making?  For each of our 4 Roy W. Dean Film Grants each year, there are many projects submitted, with excellent concepts and talented filmmakers, that just miss making our group of finalists.  We call them Hot Films in the Making.

The Roy W. Grant for Fall 2021 was no exception with 42 films qualifying for that honor.  From the Heart Productions, the sponsor of the grant, feels they deserve a chance for people to take notice of them.  We expect these films should be in the finals in the future.

“The creativity and passion behind these projects can’t and shouldn’t be ignored.” said Carole Dean, President of From the Heart Productions. “We are honored to be exposed to all these works-in-progress and know we’ll be seeing great things from these filmmakers in the future.”

From the Heart Productions believes that by highlighting these films, that will not only expand the audience, but find those who will help them on their journey to completion. 

The films chosen for Hot Films in the Making include documentary, narrative features, short films and web series.  They represent projects from around the world including films from India, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S.

The Hot Films in the Making for the Roy W. Dean Grant for Fall 2021 are:

Title Type Filmmaker
1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted A Culture Documentary Feature Sharon Roggio
Rising Son Fiction Feature Kevin Osoo
Sathu – Year of the Rabbit Fiction Feature Joshua Trigg
Bleu Dream Fiction Feature Jared Bratt
Trusted Sources Documentary Feature Don Colacino
The Maltese Collection Documentary Feature Kendrick Simmons
Once Upon a Time in Italy Documentary Feature Alessandro Pezza
Self Care Fiction Short Cassidy Civiero
Mother of Color Fiction Feature Dawn Jones Redstone
Our Sins Fiction Short Anjini Azhar
Las Abogadas Documentary Feature Victoria Bruce
Bienvenidos a Los Angeles Fiction Short Lolia Etomi
“Charlie’s Story, Tuskegee and More” Documentary Short Molly Smollett
Thank You for Thinking of Me Documentary Feature Akram Shibly
Kinsley Vs. Web Series Courtney Romano
The Black Man’s Voice Web Series Evaugh High
The Row Documentary Feature Sarah Anthony
Untitled Farmer Documentary Documentary Feature Jacqueline Romano
Marrow of the Mountain Documentary Feature Roo Vandegrift
Dear Luke, Love, Me Fiction Feature Mallie McCown
Woman Of God Fiction Feature Angel  Moreira
The Forgotten Angels Documentary Short Kevin Knight
Prison Park Documentary Feature Juliet  Belmas
Infinity Mission Earth- South Web Series Clemens Oestreich
YURT (Dormitory) Fiction Feature Nehir Tuna
The Last Drop Documentary Short Adam Joel
Who Cares About DC? Documentary Feature Stephen Kolb
Ellos Gritan Libertad (They Scream Freedom) Documentary Feature Melinda Raebyne
Desmond’s Not Here Anymore Fiction Short Lindiwe Suttle Müller-Westernhagen
Just Bake Cookies Fiction Short Quinn Early
Smoke Eater Fiction Short Gloria Mercer
Food Synergy Documentary Feature Vivian Davidson-Castro
The Apocalyptic is the Mother of All Christian Theology Documentary Feature Jim Finn
Fast Fiction Short Rachel  Johnson
Z Chronicles Fiction Short Steven Thompson
An Insignia of a Forced Winter Documentary Feature Ajimesh Saha
Beauty (or the Curious Case of Ugliness) Fiction Short Michael Muthee
Death Target Web Series Daniel Solis
American Sons Documentary Feature Andrew Gonzales
Reduction (working title) Documentary Feature Kelley Bruggere
Human Shield Documentary Feature Erin Persley
Weird Fishes Fiction Short Zenzele Ojore

Each finalist is given the opportunity to post information on their contending film on the From the Heart Productions website

Filmmakers can include an image from the film, filmmaker info, and loglines.  If they have available, filmmakers can include a link to their film’s website, Facebook page, or relevant social media connection.

About the Roy W. Dean Grant

Now celebrating its 30th year, the Roy W. Dean Grant has awarded over $2,000,000 in cash and donated film services to independent films. The grant is awarded to films budgeted under $500,000 that are unique and make a contribution to society.  It has been an important lifeline for independent filmmakers that help to get their projects started or finished.  Without assistance from the grant, many excellent and important films may never have been made. 

Past winners of the grant include 2021 Emmy winners Belly of the Beast and The Love Bugs ,  as well as Sundance Film Festival selection Raise Hell: The Life and Times of Molly Ivins, and acclaimed documentary Kusama-Infinity.

About From The Heart Productions

From The Heart Productions is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to helping filmmakers get their projects funded and made.  Besides providing funding through the grant, they offer film fiscal sponsorship to filmmakers.  This allows donations made to films they sponsor to be tax deductible.  From The Heart has helped independent filmmakers raise over $30 million through their fiscal sponsorship program.  President Carole Dean is the best-selling author of The Art of Film Funding: 2nd Edition, Alternative Financing Concepts and the new online class “How to Fund Your Film”.

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