Yes, miracles do happen that can help you fund your film. It begins with using the power of your mind.
by Carole Dean
In our bi-monthly Film Funding Guidance Class for our fiscally sponsored filmmakers, I’m in the middle of a 6-part series on how to begin creating miracles in your life. Your mind is your greatest asset and knowing how to use it is the key.

You should brag about your achievements. Be very proud of what you have done and don’t be afraid to tell us.
In our most recent session, I covered the importance of having a positive self-image and the need to treat yourself with respect. Miracles won’t happen in an environment filled with negativity and doubts.
Here are some steps you can take in your life to creating miracles.
Never Put Yourself Down
Always hold yourself in the highest esteem. Muhammad Ali was asked to give a short poem about himself. He said “Me….Wheeeee” So take a lesson from the champ and tell yourself daily “I am the greatest.” It worked for Ali and it can work for you.
If you are late for a meeting, never put yourself down to anyone. Not even you! You are the film, you are the creator, the manifestor and you must love you. With all your heart and soul. Love you first then you can give that love to others through your brilliant heart chakra.
I want you to honor yourself. Honor who you are and give gratitude for your many talents. I talk to filmmakers daily and they are writers/directors, some are writer/producer/editors. Loving yourself is highly important to let miracles come to you.
Know You Are Worthy
Sometimes miracles come in the form of money. This where a lot of people stop incoming money and miracles because they don’t feel worthy. I want you to brag about your achievements. Yes, be very proud of what you have done and don’t be afraid to tell us.
Each day when you look at your to do list and perhaps you had 10 items to do that day and you only completed 3 say “Good job, this is wonderful.”
Compliment yourself and say “tomorrow I will complete even more and it will be effortless. The universe is helping me with the film, they are my invisible partner, clearing problems and making my efforts complete easily.”
Stop Asking How
Another step that stops people from receiving miracles is the “HOW”. We all want to know how will it happen, where will it come from. That can be a block for many people. This How will it happen, will act as your resistance to receiving and believing.
Your job is not to think about the “HOW”. Your job is to know it will happen and do all the things you know to do to make it happen. By believing it will happen, you are totally open to receive.
Seeing is Believing
The next step to receive miracles is my favorite, it’s visualizing. It’s the ability to pretend like you did when you were a child when you wanted something. Often you got what you wanted and that was partially because you were visualizing it daily.
Remember when you would think about what you were getting and how excited you could get just by the visualization of receiving and using it? You were sending joy and excitement and gratitude to the universe when you saw yourself receiving it. Emotions with visualizations are paramount to receiving. Emotions are the key to visualization.
I have had many filmmakers call me when they are crowdfunding and say, “I am only a few days away from the deadline and I am $6,000 short or $4,000 short I don’t think I can make this goal.” That’s when your visualization is a great asset.
All of the people that called me in such a panic listen to me and they all hit their goals. It’s very easy. You need to focus on the end result. See yourself with what you want and send up joy, success, gratitude and happiness. Do not, get into the how….just visualize you with what you want achieved.
Feel the success and know you deserve this and are worthy of it. Visualization is the icing on the cake. It will take you home to any goal and definitely any miracle. Please include these things in your daily life.
Daydreaming is In!
Visualize what you want on a daily basis, daydreaming is in!
Fred Alan Wolf said in an interview with me, that daydreaming is a handshake across time where once you see it, feel it and send that vision to the universe you are creating your future.
Carole Dean is president and founder of From the Heart Productions; a 501(c)3 non-profit that offers the Roy W. Dean Film Grants and fiscal sponsorship for independent filmmakers. She hosts the weekly podcast, The Art of Film Funding, interviewing those involved in all aspects of indie film production. She is also the author of The Art of Film Funding, 2nd Edition: Alternative Financing Concepts. See IMDB for producing credits.