From the Heart Productions, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Ask and You Shall Receive

“The individual, having free will, must consciously with full determination, make the demand, and it cannot fail to come forth into expression, no matter what it is so long as the individual holds an unwavering determinate consciousness.” — The “I AM” discourses by Saint Germain

by Carole Dean

I have seen this happen many times in the film world. People making films, that I would bet you could never be financed, not only get them funded but got them distributed and did a fantastic job of self-distribution. How is this possible?

That question is what prompted me to write the book, The Art of Manifesting. I was watching these filmmakers wondering what the secret is.  I could see filmmakers with equal education, equal talent, all having lots of passion for their project wondering what makes one finish a successful film and the other go back to dental school?

It’s their belief. Their constant belief that the film is made because they know it and they believe it. Perhaps it is on another level and they just have to bring it into this dimension. They can see it from beginning to end, they know they have the right crew, that the music will be perfect, edit is superb and they know this when they are writing the proposal! This “constantly making the demand of the universe” works; I have seen it in many cases.

You can use this for various stages of production. Use it for crowd funding. I have seen two separate filmmakers call me with only a few days left on their deadlines and both needing about $5,000.00 more. Neither of them knew anyone that could donate so much money. I told them to see themselves hitting the goal. Let go and give it to the universe.

Both of them hit their goals with donations at the last minute! Don’t tell me this doesn’t work. Belief is your most important asset.

Talented people have many ideas for projects.  Take the time to feel into them one by one to know which one the universe wants you to make at this time. I have seen films delayed for years only to find the right time and zoom to completion like they were on the Indianapolis speedway. So, is this the time for the project? Ask yourself, which one can I make now?

Take a walk without your cell phone so you can get into the universal consciousness. Ask which film to make now, focus and listen to answers. Once you know the film then begin to visualize it from beginning to end. You must know what you want. You need to send up a completed film as a bundle to get heaven to move things around and bring you what you need.

From this day on, your belief becomes your most important asset. Never doubt. Someone else has trouble getting funding, that’s not your world. You are set to fund and finish your film. Please keep believing your film is finished. Know in your heart it is funded by the universe.

Belief in your ability and belief in your film is your ace in the hole. Make your demand on heaven with “full determination and it cannot fail to come forth into expression.”

For followers of my blog, email me for a free download of the CD of The Art of Manifesting with an effective manifesting meditation for you.

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