From the Heart Productions, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Words Are in Your DNA

by Carole Dean

A brilliant Australian author, Brendan Murphy, has cleverly compiled information for us about language.  He says based on research that “human language seems to have emerged from the grammatical and syntactical structures within our very own DNA”

We know as artists that words are the most important part of our films, our written materials, and especially our “pitches.”  Finding the right words to touch hearts, engage people to donate, and support our projects is paramount to their success.

What’s so important to me about this information is that it supports what we
“think” we know and assures us that we are correct in taking care to choose the right words to reach our audiences.  If we are all coded with words then our job is to resonate with each other through these words.  Words that create visions, feelings, and emotions bring our art to life in another human.

This means phrases like, “I hope to” or “I would like to” should be dropped for “I am making” and “I am creating…”  Watching your words can improve your health and your finances.

Brendan goes on to say that “Because the structures of DNA base pairs and of language are so similar, we can alter our own genetics by simply using words and sentences as has been experimentally proven.”  That means that by repeating each day sayings such as “I am truly blessed” can benefit you.

He continues with “This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies.”

Inspirational author Louise Hay recorded what she said when she was diagnosed with cancer.  She found upon playback that she sounded very negative and changed her words and changed her health and she was able to run Hay House for many years. There are many such stories available on this subject.  It’s up to us to experiment with this concept to improve our lives and create our art.

Consider saying dozens of times a day, “My art is funded,”  “I am truly blessed.”

Keep your words full of love and respect for you and all you encounter.  Remember that words are energy and if you send out good energy it will return to you tenfold.

Source of information on Brendan Murphy:


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