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help us continue to support independent filmmakers with our grant, our fiscal sponsorship program, and consultations.
“The Coverup” Wins Roy W. Dean 2016 Spring Film Grant
Documentary Uncovers Effects of Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
The first Roy W. Dean Film Grant of 2016 goes to the feature documentary, The Coverup, and its mother and daughter filmmaking team of Lynn Pelletier and Malina Fagan.
 “The Coverup” reveals that the average person is exposed to about 126 chemicals a day, just from their cosmetics and personal care products (soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, makeup, etc.). Scientists have linked some of the chemicals to serious health effects including cancer, infertility, and birth defects. The documentary seeks to empower consumers and companies to challenge the government to protect the public.
Sands of Silence: Waves of Courage US Premiere
Roy W. Dean Grant Winner Now Screening Around Country
There will be two screenings Oct 5th at theChagrin Documentary Film Festival in Ohio and a showing October 16th at Awareness Film Festival in Los Angeles.
The screenings will be accompanied by a Q&A with director Chelo Alvarez-Stehle
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Plan of Attack: Raising Money for Your Film
By Carole Dean
 Ok, you’ve got a great idea for a film. You’ve created a fantastic proposal and you’ve perfected your pitch. You’re next move should be to create a captivating trailer.
Now, you need a plan of attack because now you need to start raising money.
When you just work with these immediate items you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The Hottest Web Fest in the Country
LAWEBFEST is Oldest, Largest Web Series Festival
The Los Angeles Web Series Festival (a.k.a.LAWEBFEST) was created to showcase, promote, and reward as many deserving web series as possible and provide a unique networking platform. It was established in 2010 by Emmy-winning TV producer Michael Ajakwe Jr.
In the most recent Art of Film Funding Podcast, Michael explains what he looks for in entries, the different categories, and how to apply.
Other recent interviews include:
Welcome Julie Janata as Grant Donor
Thanks for Supporting Independent Filmmakers
 Julie Janata is an Emmy Award-winning Producer, an Emmy Award-nominated Editor and a Director, of character-driven dramas, comedies and music feature films that have won more than 25 awards around the world.
The winner of the Roy W. Dean Fall Grant receives 30% discount on Julie’s creative producing consultant services.
Sought after as a story builder, Janata imbues her stories with all the richness of character she learned while working on Oscar and Emmy winning productions on four continents for every major studio: Warner Brothers, Universal, Paramount, Fox, Disney, Sony, as well as ABC, CBS, PBS, TLC, ESPN, HBO and Showtime.
New Fiscally Sponsored Films
The Latest Projects Fundraising With Us
 The documentary License to Parent focuses on the lack of any training and requirements needed for parenting. The film will show that if we can raise the standard of parenting, we can make our world a better place in which to live.”
The feature 88 is drawn from Psalm 88 and combines the genres of Christian films and Horror films. The webseries, DILF Diaries, is a feminist response to 50 Shades of Grey, placing the utmost importance on consent in any sexual relationship, and especially those involving kink.
This Month On Indiegogo with From The Heart
The short film Cut Jasmine short film strives to show the true nature of the people involved in the building of the railroads, and how their triumphs and hardships made our country great. American Yogi is a documentary film about Ram Dass’s guru and an adventurous journey into magical India where a young man mustchoose between the miracles he sees and life as he knew it
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