From the Heart Productions Associated Filmmakers Can Take Advantage of This Special program
Non-profit From The Heart Productions in partnership with Front Row Insurance offers the Prefered Pricing Program for E & O Insurance for their members.
Those who are eligible include:
- Applicants to From The Heart’s Roy W. Dean Grants
- Filmmakers who are part of From The Heart’s fiscal sponsorship program
- Those who have enrolled in their Intentional Filmmaking Class
- Filmmakers who’ve been part of From The Heart’s Guardian Angel Program

The Preferred Pricing Program for E&O insurance offers exceptional rates and service from of the leading providers of insurance in the entertainment industry.
E&O, Errors and Omissions, insurance covers legal liability and defense for the production company against lawsuits alleging unauthorized use of titles, formats, ideas, characters, plots, plagiarism, unfair competition or privacy, breach of contract.
It also protects against alleged libel, slander, defamation of character or invasion of privacy. This coverage will usually be required by a distributor, broadcaster or financier prior to the release of any theatrical or television production. Production financing will usually not flow until E&O coverage is in force.
“Getting this program has been a dream of mine for some time.” said Carole Dean, President of From the Heart Productions, “With tight budgets, independent filmmakers a need a break on the cost of essential insurance.”
“Thanks to Kent Hamilton of Front Row Insurance and the tremendous work he put in to make this program a reality. It shows his dedication to these filmmakers and to helping them out however possible.”
To get more information on preferred pricing and to get a quote, qualified filmmakers need to email Carole Dean of From The Heart Productions at
About Front Row Insurance
Front Row is an Entertainment Insurance Broker specializing in: The Film industry, The Music Industry, Fairs and Festivals with offices in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Los Angeles. Front Row negotiates to obtain the best coverage at the lowest premium from the insurance companies. They are a top choice for: filmmakers, musicians, photographers and festival organizers.
About Kent Hamilton
As Executive Vice President of the Truman Van Dyke Company for over 25 years, Kent Hamilton insured thousands of films, commercials and television productions. Joining Front Row Insurance Brokers LLC as President, Kent helps producers solve problems and obtain the proper insurance coverage for the best price.
About From The Heart Productions
From The Heart Productions is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to helping filmmakers get their projects made. Besides providing funding through the grant, they are also a fiscal sponsor which allows donations made to films they sponsor to be tax deductible. President Carole Dean is the best-selling author of “The Art of Film Funding” which is now in its second edition.