From the Heart Productions, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Roy W. Dean Grant for Summer 2023 Won by Homele$$, Inc

Documentary Examines the Industry That’s Grown Up Around the Issue of Homelessness

Director Remi Kessler and his producing partner Robert McFalls have won the Roy W. Dean Grant for Summer 2023 with their documentary feature Homele$$, Inc.  Awarded by From the Heart Productions, a top-rated 501(c)3 non-profit grant that sponsors the grant, the grant goes to a unique film that makes a contribution to society.  Remi and his production team will receive $3,500 and thousands more in production goods and services to help complete their film.



“Director Remi Kessler shines a bright, revealing, and necessary light on the terrible homelessness crisis in our cities, “commented Carole Dean, President of From the Heart Productions. “We know that he and his talented team will turn out an exceptional documentary.”  

In addition to the $3,500 cash prize, the grant winner will receive $500 in grip, lighting or expendables from Filmtools,  $1295.00 Scholarship to Writers Boot Camp, a discount on sound mix from Jeff Alan of  Alan Audio Works,  30% discount by Jerry Deaton for Music Post Production Services at AudioKut, and more from heart-felt film industry companies and individuals.

About the Film

Homele$$, Inc takes a look behind the scenes at the industry that’s grown up around the issue of homelessness, exploring what’s working and what’s not. In the wake of publicly funded ballot initiatives and bond measures, the public has grown concerned about how their tax dollars are being spent.

They see the homeless population continuing to explode and wonder; is money being spent wisely? Meanwhile, entire sectors of homeless industry have evolved, ever increasing the amount of money required to manage the issue. 

The film focuses on two main areas: construction of new affordable housing units and the supportive services industry. Why can’t units get built faster? Why are they so expensive? Painting mass homelessness as an individual failure rather than a housing problem has resulted in billions of dollars being spent on emergency responses, while the underlying problem remains unaddressed. One thing is clear; the answers to solving the epidemic of homelessness require novel outside the box modes of thinking.

In his celebrated film, “The Advocates,” producer- director Remi Kessler focused on the intimate journeys of advocates helping people off the streets and into supportive housing. Remi, along with long time producing partner Robert McFalls, now turn their wider lens on the business side of homelessness in America, knowing that if we don’t face these problems head on, the human and economic costs will continue to grow.

About the Filmmaker

Remi Kessler – Director –Rémi Kessler directed and produced the feature documentary “The Advocates” which premiered at the 2018 Los Angeles Film Festival before being released theatrically.

Prior to this, Rémi produced “Shadows and Lights,” which opened the classic documentary section of the 2015 Cannes Film Festival.

Over the years, he has produced many television series, independent features, documentaries, and music videos, working with a range of artists including iconic fashion designer Ozwald Boateng and megastar David Guetta.

About the Roy W. Dean Grant

From its inception in 1992, the Roy W. Dean Grant has awarded over $2,000,000 in cash and donated film services to independent films. It has been an important lifeline for independent filmmakers that help to get their projects started or finished.  Without assistance from the grant, many excellent and important films may never have been made.  Four grants are awarded each year including one exclusively for short films

Other winners of the Roy W. Dean Grants include Emmy Winners Belly of the Beast, The Love Bugs, the award winning narrative feature Cadejo Blanco which is now in theaters around the world, the 2019 Sundance Film Festival selection Raise Hell: The Life and Times of Molly Ivins, the acclaimed documentary Kusama-Infinity, Stranger at Home which premiered on PBS this November, and 26 Seconds which is now streaming on Epoch TV.

About From the Heart Productions

From The Heart Productions is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to helping filmmakers get their projects funded and made.  They have been chosen a top non-profit for eight years in a row by Besides providing funding through the grant, they offer a unique film sponsorship which has helped filmmakers raise over $30 million for their projects.  The program offers personal consultations and guidance on finding funding their project. 

President Carole Dean, is a published writer, a producer, and instructor for two essential classes for indie filmmakers. She wrote the best-selling The Art of Film Funding: 2nd Edition, Alternative Financing Concepts.   Her Intentional Filmmaking Class teaches film funding.  Her new course, Learn Producing: The Ultimate Guide to Indie Film Production is a year-round course that provides filmmakers with the essentials they need to produce their projects.

For More Information and interview requests, please contact:

Richard Kaufman

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