by Carole Dean
About year ago Helen Hall applied for our Dean grant in NYC with her brilliant film, Pictures of Infinity about the incredible inventor, Nikola Tesla.
She was a finalist in the grant and when she didn’t win I asked her if she would like to work with From the Heart as her fiscal sponsor and let us help her raise money. She agreed and we set to work on creating the trailer and improving the proposal. Helen was open to all suggestions and made changes and followed through after each consultation.
We gave her names of grants that I thought would fund her film and she applied to all of them. She had a matching grant for $30, 000 that was about to expire and we were both reviewing all grants available to get that money.
After months of hard work and only 5 days until her matching grant was expiring, the mail arrived on Dec 26 and there was a check from one of the places FTH suggested. A little known granting organization had sent her a check for $30,000.00. Can you imagine my excitement knowing that with her matching grant this meant $60,000.00 to her?
Here was her funding for the interviews with physicists, an even better trailer and much more! What a wonderful holiday gift for Helen.
See, it’s a test of faith, please never give up. Never stop believing. Just know it will come from wherever it is now.
Focus on doing the work and let the universe do their part. They will not let you down.
My favorite line in the book, “Just know it will come from wherever it is now.” So true and pure… Congratulations to Helen…