From the Heart Productions, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization


For nearly a quarter century, From the Heart Productions has fulfilled its mission by helping independent filmmakers get funding for their projects.  Founded by Carole Dean, the 501(c) non-profit offers fiscals sponsorships for filmmakers giving their donors tax exemptions, grants for unique film projects that make a difference to society, and classes that educate creative minds on raising money so their dreams are realized.



Film Grant Wants to Introduce You to ‘The Greatest Industry Contacts You Could Ever Find’ 


filmmaking stuff

Filmmaking Interview with Carole Dean


the independent

Funder FAQ: Roy W. Dean Film & Video Grants


film festival today

Carole Dean Receives the WIFTS Foundation Lifetime of Achievement Award



One Woman’s Legacy of Helping Filmmakers From the Heart



Indie Champion Carole Dean


The Eyes on Conservation Podcast: Passion, Confidence and Persistence – Carole Dean on How to Become a Successful (and well-funded) Filmmaker


Roy W. Dean Grants


The Art of Film Funding with Carole Dean on The Documentary Podcast – 5 Funding Options for The Documentary Filmmaker


“The Art of Film Funding Podcast” Named One of the 20 Best Funding Podcasts of 2021 Welp Magazine


Life & Work with Carole DeanVoyageLA

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