Put The FUN into film FUNDing with Carole Joyce
She will review and analyze your materials – your proposal, trailer, pitch, etc. – and work with you to create a successful plan for funding your film.
Carole Joyce, Director of the Roy W. Dean Film Grants, has nearly 30 years experience mentoring independent filmmakers to help them get their films funded.
Each year, From the Heart Productions reviews hundreds of independent film projects each year. They come from those seeking the Roy W. Dean Film Grant and fiscal sponsorship to get the funds to create or finish their film.
Each is offered a consultation with Carole Joyce.
The advice and help filmmakers have received in their time with Carole is heart-felt, productive, and transformative.
“Carole was absolutely amazing. She went through my grant with me and gave me very specific and helpful notes. She also helped me find other resources that would help me with my project. I knew that when she spoke with me she really cared about giving me advice that was kind, clear, and helpful. It meant so much because this is my first time applying for grants and it can seem so daunting, but she made me feel a lot more comfortable!.” – Elle R
“Carole spent time deeply understanding my work and project, and took the time to offer resources and advice on how to proceed with my film project. She sent over invaluable resources, and simply encouraged and believed in the importance of the film, which as a creator is the fuel needed to bring something to life.” – L.S.
“The call with Carole was amazing! She was very informative and provided me with with so much useful information. I learned so much more about fundraising in those twenty minutes than I did reading a few articles. I feel inspired to launch my first crowdfunding campaign and confidant From The Heart Productions will help me through it.” – Grecia Aguilar
How Consultations with Carole Joyce Can Help You
After you book an appointment, you will send her your materials. She will read your proposal/treatment, watch your trailer or stills, and create constructive ideas to help you immediately.
You can choose to focus on:
- Perfecting your pitch so investors/donors want to finance your film.
- Give you guidance on creating a great trailer or ideas for improving the one you have.
- For feature filmmakers, creating a pitch package.
- For documentary filmmakers, creating a great proposal.
- Crowdfunding your film.
- Improving your pitch.
- Finding the audience for your film marketing to them.
- Advice on where to find your audience.
- Information on possible distributors and marketing information.
“Carole is so knowledgeable and kind, and I’m grateful to her for taking time of her day to discuss my project. She brought expertise and poise to what could’ve been a very stressful conversation, and her knowledge in this field is unmatched!” – Caroline Golum
You can talk over Phone, Skype, FreeConference Call, or WhatsApp at a time that works for both of you.
$145 for 30 minute consultation.
Special price of $80.00 for March and April 2022.
That includes reading and reviewing your materials before your consultation and then discussing any or all of the above items for 30 minutes. You choose from the list what you want to discuss in your personal consultation. You can have other people from your crew on the call too. It is recorded and sent to you.
All fees are tax deductible because From the Heart is a 501(c)3 nonprofit company.
Consultations with Carole Joyce Package Special
During March and April 2022, you can purchase 3 consultations for $200.
You can use them anytime that is convenient for you.
How to Book
- Email Carole at ceo.avcinc@gmail.com to let her know you are interested in making an appointment for your consultation. She will work with you to schedule the best time for both of you.
- Send Carole your full package on your feature or doc along with your short term goals. Send a list of things you’d like to work on. Email them to ceo.avcinc@gmail.com. Or you can mail, Fedex, or send via UPS to:
From the Heart Productions Inc
1013 Harbor Blvd #53
Oxnard, CA 93035
- Finally, pay for the consultation by clicking on the link below
$80 – Consultation Special for March and April 2022
$200 – 3 Consultation Package Special for March and April 2022
All fees are tax deductible
Carole Joyce Biography

Carole Joyce and Roy W. Dean Grant Winner Alicia Braun
A talented filmmaker, photographer, and producer, Carole Joyce is a Board Member of the 501(c)3 non-profit From the Heart Productions, and Director of the Roy W. Dean Grant, of which she has been an integral part of for over 20 years. Carole is also the CEO of Authentic Vision Consulting, a consulting firm specializing in independent film production and financing.
A graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography, Carole is an award-winning filmmaker for her documentary Survivors. Carole served as Executive Producer for the award-winning short film Stairway to the Stars starring Sean Young and as LA Line Producer for Wheels of Heaven with Mickey Rourke. Carole produced the short film Living UnDone, which won the Grand Jury Award at the Ethos Film Festival and Best Short Documentary for the Paris Film Festival. Carole is a Producer for the upcoming film Prodigal Daughter. Carole’s additional credits are available on IMDb. From the Heart Productions’ credits are also available on IMDb.
Carole also serves as an Advisor for the Authentic Global Film Festival and a Judge for the Ethos Film Festival.
Click Here to schedule a consultation with Carole Joyce. Students enrolled in the year long Producer’s Class get a special discounted price of $80 for a 1 hour consultation.