From the Heart Productions, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

April 2014 Newsletter


If at first you don’t suceed, apply, apply again
If you didn’t win the Roy W. Dean Grant are and are still working on the project you submitteed, apply again.
You’ve got a better chance the second time.  
Judges already have reviewed your project. 
If you followed some of their suggestions and tips that Carole Dean provided as part of the free consultation, they’d  love to see your progress and would appreciate the additional work you’ve put into it.  
If you made it to the finals, they probably really liked it as many projects are submitted while few are chosen.
Don’t forget that each grant applicant gets a free consultation with Carole Dean no matter how many times they’ve applied.
She is a funding expert who will give you advice on perfecting your pitch, tweaking your trailer, and finding funds.
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Roy W. Dean Spring Grant 
Cash Prize Now $2,500
Deadline is April 30th, 2014

Thank you for helping us have a wonderful year in 2013.   More

“Salvaged Lives” -1993 Roy W. Dean Grant Winner

filmmakers than ever applied for fiscal sponsorships.   Roy W. Dean Grant applications were way up.  The amount crowdfunded for our projects working with From The Heart on indiegogo is at nearly $1 million.

So, we are rewarding our grant winner with our good fortune and increasing the cash value of the Spring Roy W. Dean Grant to $2,500.

This boost creates a valuable package worth $30K of film services and discounts from generous companies and crafts people in the film industry.

If you lose, well, you don’t really lose because every filmmaker applying for the grant gets a free 15 minute consultation with film funding expert Carole Dean.   She will provide tips on improving your project, pitch, and funding prospects.

(Apply for Grant)

From The Heart Fiscal Sponsorship Now Comes with Film Industry Discounts

Many Donors to the Roy W. Dean Grant Offer Discounts to Fiscally Sponsored Films


15% off Marketing from Melody Jackson of Smart Girls Productions
Films fiscally sponsored by From The Heart Productions are much like those that apply for the grant. They are just starting and need all the help they can find to get completed.


The donors to the Roy W. Dean Grant realize that and have pitched
in to provide assistance to our fiscally sponsored projects.


Discounts range from 10 to 20% and cover a wide range of production services from audio sound editing from Alpha Dogs to camera lens rental from


(More on Fiscal Sponsorship and Discounts)

Reaching Your Indiegogo Goal with Us is Now More Rewarding
Fee Is Now Just 7% If You Reach Your Goal
One of the best things about crowdfunding with  From The Heart on
Indiegogo and From The Heart Logo
Click on Image to See All The Great Films Crowdfunding With Us On Indiegogo is no penalty if you did not reach your goal.  You still keep the money you raised.
Well, now if you hit your goal, you get to keep more.  Our current fee rate is 9.3% (9.8% as of June 1st) for projects funding with us on indiegogo.  Now, if you hit your goal, you will get 2.3% back and pay just 7%.  
Our goal is to help you get your projects made.  We think that this will go a long way toward helping you and us reach that goal.

Did You Hear How to Get $700 in Discounts to The Writers Boot Camp?


On Aprill 2nd Carole Dean interviewed Jeffrey Gordon, the founder of The Writers Boot Camp on  The Art of Film Funding on BlogTalkRadio.


The Writers Boot Camp is a long time donor to the Roy W. Dean Grant.  On this episode, Jeffrey offered great tips on improving your screenwriting, overcoming writers block, and the importance of getting that first draft right.

But, he also offered $700 in discounts to Writers Boot Camp Basic Training and Pro Membership courses for listeners of the program.

All you need to get the discount is a secret word he mentioned on the podcast.


Did you catch the episode?  No?  Ok, well, its not too late to get the discount.  The offer is good to May 15th. You can listen to that interview and all the interviews at our On Demand Episode Page.


Recent Interviews Include:


Ken Elliot on manifesting for success

Sheri Candler on social media marketing for your film

Greg Centineo on film financing for “Legends of Oz 3D”


And don’t miss these upcoming interviews:

Learn about podcast times and other From The Heart news, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Click on book to buy on
The Art of Film Funding is the best selling fundraising book
for independent filmmakers.  With a daily to do list, it puts you on the fast track to financing your film.
What’s new in the 2nd Edition:

  • Secrets to successful crowdfunding
  • How to market your film online
  • Tips for creating a trailer to attract investors.
  • Peter Broderick on new ideas for marketing films
  • Norman Berns on Budgeting
  • Maureen Ryan on Music Rights
  • Michael Donaldson on Fair Use
  • Corky Kessler, Paige Gold and Mark Litwak on Legal
  • Creating your Trailer by Bill Woolery
  • Tom Malloy on Feature Film Funding

2 thoughts on “April 2014 Newsletter”

    1. Richard Kaufman

      If you are prepared to produce the film then you may want to join our Intentional Filmmaking class with Tom Malloy to learn how to create your package and get attachments.

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